[Nhcoll-l] Alarms on freezers- particularly ultracolds/ULT

Azhar Palit Husain azhar.husain01 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 14:47:28 EDT 2023

Hello Janaki,

You could take a look at CORIS <https://www.corismonitoring.com/>. We use
it to monitor multiple conditions - ambient, RH, 5C, -20C, and -80C. There
is a lot of flexibility in configuration, allowing you to set alert
thresholds, contacts, and user permissions for each sensor. While they
don't have an app, the website works well on mobile. Pricing is also
transparent and straightforward.


On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 10:47 AM Elizabeth Wommack <ewommack at uwyo.edu> wrote:

> Hello Janaki,
> The UWYMV uses SensoScientific for our monitoring system. They have a
> number of different options for monitoring both freezers and ambient room
> temperatures, and they all work off both a web and app based system. I
> really like the control they give me. I can actually set who gets to see
> which alarms, different levels of permissions, and who gets which types of
> notices (emails, text, audio alarms). I can also request different types of
> reports (monthly, weekly, daily), and how often the probes are taking
> readings. I did have to work closely with our IT department to get the
> system into the wifi system here, but that was the best option for our room
> configuration.
> Good luck! It is great to hear what works for each of us, since we all
> have different challenges.
> cheers,
> Beth
> Elizabeth Wommack, PhD
> Curator and Collections Manager of Vertebrates
> University of Wyoming Museum of Vertebrates
> Berry Biodiversity Conservation Center
> University of Wyoming,
> Laramie, WY 82071
> ewommack@ <ewommack at berkeley.edu>uwyo.edu
> pronouns: she, her, herself
> www.uwymv.org
> UWYMV Collection Use Policy
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zH0_rDHQmerM4ZU7k2wu8UmRha6aC1Yo/view?usp=share_link>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> on behalf of
> Bentley, Andrew Charles <abentley at ku.edu>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 1, 2023 11:34 AM
> *To:* Janaki Krishna <jkrishna at nhmu.utah.edu>; nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu <
> nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu>
> *Subject:* Re: [Nhcoll-l] Alarms on freezers- particularly ultracolds/ULT
> ◆ This message was sent from a non-UWYO address. Please exercise caution
> when clicking links or opening attachments from external sources.
> Hi Janaki
> We have our ultracolds and cryo dewars monitored by ADT/TYCO/Johnson
> Controls (they have been buying each other out so frequently I cannot keep
> them straight 😊) through a phone based panel.  We have 3 ultracolds and
> various zones associated with three liquid nitrogen dewars along with room
> temperature alarms and oxygen monitors all hooked up the same system.
> When  one of the zones trips, due to high temperature or some other alarm
> event, we have a call tree that ADT/TYCO/Johnson Controls calls to alert
> us.  They will keep calling until someone picks up the call and responds to
> the alarm.  It is a very effective system but requires some investment in
> the necessary infrastructure to run it.  You could reach out to
> ADT/TYCO/Johnson Controls to get a quote for installation.
> Hope that helps.  Happy to provide more details if needed.
> Andy
>     A  :             A  :             A  :
>  }<(((_°>.,.,.,.}<(((_°>.,.,.,.}<)))_°>
>     V                V                V
> Andy Bentley
> Ichthyology Collection Manager
> University of Kansas
> Biodiversity Institute
> Dyche Hall
> 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard
> Lawrence, KS, 66045-7561
> Tel: (785) 864-3863
> Fax: (785) 864-5335
> Email: abentley at ku.edu
> ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3093-1258
> http://ichthyology.biodiversity.ku.edu
>     A  :             A  :             A  :
>  }<(((_°>.,.,.,.}<(((_°>.,.,.,.}<)))_°>
>     V                V                V
> *From:* Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> * On Behalf Of *Janaki
> Krishna
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:21 PM
> *To:* nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
> *Subject:* [Nhcoll-l] Alarms on freezers- particularly ultracolds/ULT
> Hello everyone,
> Recently our university risk management has implemented protocol for the
> management of temperature controlled units, (probably due to insurance
> losses). One requirement is to have continuous monitoring systems that
> reports to a phone number/email if in alarm. While some of our units have
> audible alarms they don’t all call/email to someone externally. Further,
> most of our units are not currently (nor optionally) hardwired and
> monitored by University facilities. So we must come up with a system.
> As we have a system for room temp and RH on collections rooms, this is yet
> another system to monitor. Would be great if all could be together, and
> sounds if some companies are moving that direction, like Conserv. However
> they do not have sensors appropriate for ultracolds/ULTs. We turned to
> InTemp, but find their gateway system less than ideal due to building
> characteristics  (re: thick walls) , that would require and almost 1:1
> ratio  datalogger:gateway. Further one has to access the website, not the
> app upon receiving an alarm, so not terribly user friendly.
> I wonder what others are using for their temp controlled units
> specifically ultracolds. Additionally, what parameters do you set for alarm
> and recording period (e.g. every 15 mins).
> Thanks in advance.
> Janaki Krishna
> Registrar
> Pronouns she, her, hers
> Natural History Museum of Utah (UMNH)
> Forms can be found here: http://nhmu.utah.
> <http://nhmu.utah.edu/collections/policies-forms>
> edu/collections/policies-forms
> <http://nhmu.utah.edu/collections/policies-forms>
> Search our collections: https://nhmu.utah.edu/search-our-collections
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