[Nhcoll-l] Best repair glue for bone specimens

Dirk Neumann d.neumann at leibniz-lib.de
Tue Jul 25 10:57:09 EDT 2023

... just a bit promotion for an excellent, sound book - the name of the current author may be familiar. Even tough available in German only, a wealth of wisdom and an very valuable resource and must have for the book shelf (that should be accessible with Google translate also outside Germany). The section on Fischleim (fish glue) is on page 185.


Also on Amazon.


Am 25.07.2023 um 08:47 schrieb Joachim Händel:

Dear Kayla,

the question here is whether the bonding should be reversible or not.
For reversible bonding, I recommend fish glue - an excellent adhesive. It sticks strongly and dries quickly. You can dissolve the bond again with warm water.

For non-reversible bonding, I recommend Paraloid B72 dissolved in ethyl acetate or acetone. This can also be used to fill defects and consolidate crumbly parts.
If it is absolutely necessary, the adhesive can be dissolved again by soaking it in solvent for a longer period of time.

If necessary, nitrocellulose glue can also be used. However, it is not so durable and turns slightly yellow after a few years (decades).

I strongly advise against superglue, because you have to press the pieces together hard when gluing, which can damage the objects.
Moreover, you can never dissolve it again

All the best

Joachim Haendel

Center of Natural History Collections
of the Martin Luther University (ZNS)
- Entomological Collection -

Domplatz 4
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

Phone:  +49 345 - 55 26 447
Fax:  +49 345 - 55 27 248

Email: joachim.haendel at zns.uni-halle.de<mailto:joachim.haendel at zns.uni-halle.de>

>>> Kayla Ott <kzott at ucsc.edu><mailto:kzott at ucsc.edu> 24.07.2023, 23:24 >>>
Hello everyone,

Does anyone have recommendations on the best glue to use to repair bone specimens that have been broken? Something that would work to repair teeth that have fallen out of mandibles, vertebral columns that have had some spinous processes broken off with use, etc.

This is for specimens in our reference teaching collection for undergraduate zooarchaeology courses which students are very hands on with, so the more durable, the better.


Kayla Ott
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
Laboratory Operations and Facilities Manager
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Santa Cruz
Phone: 831-459-1481

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Dirk Neumann
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