[Nhcoll-l] California State-Funded Emergency Preparedness Assessments: Summer Info Sessions

Ryn Marchese RMarchese at nedcc.org
Fri May 26 15:04:55 EDT 2023

Have you heard about the no-cost emergency preparedness assessments funded by the State of California?

This summer, the "Ready—Or Not" Cultural Heritage Disaster Preparedness Project<https://www.nedcc.org/assessments-and-consultations/ready-or-not-cultural-heritage-disaster-preparedness-project> team invites California-based cultural heritage organizations to join them for information sessions tailored to small organizations, tribal organizations, and organizations seeking to update their current disaster preparedness plan. These half-hour sessions summarize the state-funded project and explore ways to engage in emergency preparedness consultations. Secure your spot by registering in advance at nedcc.org/CAready<http://nedcc.org/CAready?fbclid=IwAR1UBJfDxLpv3pHYSexY4rnukv9zmMIl2tvAfhag1fNDoZ2jtXfj-Ae2R2w>.

- Disaster Preparedness for Small Organizations<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82916733774?pwd=ZnlpSEJjQit1eDB3V3p4VWUwU2xtdz09>: June 8th at 9:30-10:00 a.m. (PST)

- Disaster Preparedness for Tribal Organizations<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85391916045?pwd=R04xZXVLUWszayttMlBXZEdNS3FhUT09>:  July 6th at 5:00-5:30 p.m. (PST)

- Updating Your Disaster Plan<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89421083844?pwd=OTdSRXRBeU1jU2draXJvSjBBUDdTQT09>: July 26th at 9:30-10:00 a.m. (PST)

If you have additional questions, reach out to the team at CAready at nedcc.org.

Ryn Marchese

Marketing and Social Media Coordinator

NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center

100 Brickstone Square

Andover, MA  01810

Andover Office: 978.470.1010



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