[Nhcoll-l] FW: ALLANOL/EXTERNAL - Digital Morphology Workshop - Closing date soon!

Andrew Haycock Andrew.Haycock at museumwales.ac.uk
Mon Nov 20 04:38:00 EST 2023

Apologies for cross-posting

Many thanks,

Kind regards

From: The Geological Curators Group mailing list <GEO-CURATORS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Emma Nicholls
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2023 10:45 AM
Subject: ALLANOL/EXTERNAL - Digital Morphology Workshop - Closing date soon!

Dear all,

The registration deadline for GCG's fantastic Digital Morphology Workshop is coming up fast, Friday 24th November.

The workshop will provide participants with training in cutting-edge methods for creating virtual models of whole organisms, including both fossil and living species.

10am-5pm, 11th December 2023, hosted by Oxford University Museum of Natural History. For further details and to register, please see our website<https://www.geocurator.org/events/161-digital-morphology-workshop>.

Please forward the attached flier to anyone you think may be interested. Any questions, let me know!

With best wishes,

Chair of the Geological Curators Group


Dr Emma Nicholls


Collections Manager – Earth Collections (Vertebrate Palaeontology)

Oxford University Museum of Natural History

Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW, UK | +44 (0)1865 272953  ∣  @morethanadodo  ∣  www.oumnh.ox.ac.uk<http://www.oumnh.ox.ac.uk/>


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