[Nhcoll-l] FW: GCG notice of Winter Seminar and 50th AGM - Don't forget to register.

Andrew Haycock Andrew.Haycock at museumwales.ac.uk
Mon Nov 20 04:40:04 EST 2023

Apologies for cross-posting.

Many thanks,

Kind regards

From: Cindy Howells <Cindy.Howells at museumwales.ac.uk>
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 4:01 PM
To: Cindy Howells <Cindy.Howells at museumwales.ac.uk>
Subject: GCG notice of Winter Seminar and 50th AGM - Don't forget to register.

Dear GCG members and friends,

Just a quick reminder to register asap for our forthcoming ONLINE seminar on Building bridges between collectors and museums' Events - The Geological Curators Group (geocurator.org)<https://www.geocurator.org/events>. Please check on our events page (nearer the time) for updates and timings.

 We now have over a dozen excellent speakers lined up during the day, and will finish with a discussion session where we hope that we can make a little progress towards improving communications between museums and collectors, and ideally finding out what museums still need to do. We hope to hear from many of you during this session - with positive ideas.

If anyone has any questions or discussion points they would like to raise in advance, then please send these on to me (membership at geocurator.org<mailto:membership at geocurator.org>) and we can use those as a basis for how we proceed.

The GCG AGM will be held in the afternoon (and is free to attend) on the 28th November. All are welcome to attend; however, please note that only paid up GCG members can vote. The GCG committee currently has four vacancies; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Web Coordinator Assistant, and an open position as an Ordinary Member. The role descriptions can be found here<https://www.geocurator.org/committee/146-getting-involved-with-gcg>. If you would like to join our merry band of volunteers, please get in touch.

With very best wishes,


(on behalf of the GCG committee)

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