[Tshwanelex-l] tlTerm UI suggestion

Michael Beijer michael at wordbook.nl
Fri Jan 20 20:11:50 EST 2012

Hello list members/David,

I have been using tlTem quite extensively now for a few days and I have a

When I have a concept with many Dutch and English (and maybe Germen and
French) terms, and I want to add attributes like 'Domain', 'UsageLabel' and
'PartPfSpeech', I am quickly presented with a very long/wide scrolling
window, where all of the different terms are labelled exactly the same. For
example, each of the say 5 Dutch 'synonyms' might be labelled the as:
'Dutch::Source', 'Dutch::UsageLabel', etc

See screenshot: http://wordbook.nl/screenshots/tlTerm-UI-suggestion2.jpg

 I then have to scroll along and try to figure out which corresponds to

Wouldn't it be better if these were replaced with the actual words? This
would be a hell of a lot easier to spot.



*Michael Beijer*
Translator & Lexicographer
(Dutch/Flemish into English)
46 Priory Street, Lewes,
East Sussex BN7 1HJ,
United Kingdom
Tel. +44 (0)1273 483881
Mob.+44 (0)797 093 5608
michael at wordbook.nl
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