[Tshwanelex-l] Follow up on import/DTD topic
faszikam at faszikam.com
faszikam at faszikam.com
Mon Nov 21 22:38:53 EST 2022
I had attempted to Reply to an email from the listserve with screenshots, but
then realized it is most probably text only, so here is a text version...
1. This is a sample from my .csv file; UTF-8 with BOM
a ab abs,ā ab abs,"from, by",(away) from; by (agency) + abl.,a,Preposition
abeo abire abii abitum,abeō abīre abiī abitum,to go away,to go away,abeo,Verb
absum abesse afui afuturus,absum abesse āfuī āfutūrus,"to be away, be absent","to be absent, be distant",absum,Verb
ac,ac,and in addition,"and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed, and; even; in comparison: as, than",ac,Conjunction
accedo accedere accessi accessum,accēdō accēdere accessī accessum,"to approach, be added, be included","to go or come to, approach; be added, be included; happen; be an additional factor (esp. impersonal + quod or ut)",accedo,Verb
accido accidere accidi –––,accidō accidere accidī –––,to fall; happen,"to fall, befall, happen",accido,Verb
accipio accipere accepi acceptus,accipiō accipere accēpī acceptus,to receive,"to receive; accept; hear (of), learn (of)",accipio,Verb
acer acris acre,ācer ācris ācre,"sharp, piercing","sharp, keen; fierce",acer,Adjective
acies aciei f.,aciēs acieī f.,edge; line of battle,sharp edge; keenness; battle line,acies,Noun
ad,ad,"to, up to, towards","toward, to; for the purpose or benefit of ; to suit (+ acc.)",ad,Preposition
addo addere addidi additus,addō addere addidī additus,to give to,"to add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate",addo,Verb
adduco adducere adduxi adductus,addūcō adducere addūxī adductus,"to lead to, induce","to lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten",adduco,Verb
2. I imported as follows:
Lemma::ppnd to column 1 PRINCIPAL_PARTS_NO_DIACRITICALS - custom field
Lemma::pp to column 2 PRINCIPAL_PARTS - custom field
Lemma::Sense::TE::TE to column 3 SHORT_DEFINITION
Lemma::Sense::Definition::Definition to column 4 LONG_DEFINITION
Lemma::LemmaSign to column 5 SIMPLE_LEMMA
Lemma::PartOfSpeech to column 6 PART_OF_SPEECH
3. Got warnings after import of the type:
"WARNING: Rescuing potentially discarded LIST ITEM at Column 6:Verb"
for each row in the csv file.
The text value from the csv file wasn't somehow merged with the check-box
part of speech items. This is the problem.
4. The first 5 fields were populated correctly in my TLex database. For the values in the
6th column, a new field was created, named Column6ListVal under Sense, and these were
imported correctly.
All of this is just a start to my understanding how to create a custom DTD for the
data I already have in spreadsheets. Any pointers on more details on how to create a
custom DTD schema would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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