[Yale ArchivesSpace] Retiring the temporary Archivists' Toolkit database

Callahan, Maureen maureen.callahan at yale.edu
Mon Dec 21 09:39:39 EST 2015

Hi folks,

This is just a reminder that the temporary Archivists’ Toolkit database is now retired. Mark and I are beginning work to migrate this to ArchivesSpace. Any work that you do in AT from this point forward will be lost.

Any data that was created in the temporary AT database will be available in ArchivesSpace in the new year.


On Nov 24, 2015, at 1:55 PM, Custer, Mark <mark.custer at yale.edu<mailto:mark.custer at yale.edu>> wrote:


Now that the problems with our ArchivesSpace search index and general performance have been addressed, Maureen and I would like to *retire the temporary Archivists’ Toolkit database before the end of the calendar year*.  There are two implications to this:

1.       No additional finding aids should be loaded into Archivists’ Toolkit, which is why I’m emailing the entire group.  I don’t think that this should be an issue since we haven’t added many new finding aids recently. Please let me know ASAP, though, if this would interrupt anyone’s current plans for the reminder of the calendar year.
2.       We need to set a date to shut down this temporary database.  This primarily affects Alison, Karen, Toby, Sandra, Martha, and Mike, but I want to ask the whole group:  will it work for everyone if we impose a *data-entry moratorium on the temporary AT database at the end of the day on December 18th*?  On December 21st, Maureen and I will migrate everything from the temporary AT database back into our production instance of ArchivesSpace, and then proceed to make a backup of the temporary database before taking it offline.  Once the data is back in ArchivesSpace, editing can continue to happen there (or even outside of ArchivesSpace, as long as the archivist is able to ingest the finished finding aid into ArchivesSpace once the finding aid is “finished”).

*Please let me know by Friday, December 4th, if this plan would present any problems*.  I’m confident that we can work around any potential issues as long as we’re aware of them in advance, especially since we haven’t had too much activity in the temporary AT database, but I just want to make sure that we plan the retirement of the temporary AT database before the end of the year (and hopefully execute the migration in that same time frame, as well, if possible).

All my best,

Mark Custer
Archivist / Metadata Coordinator
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library

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