[Yale ArchivesSpace] Update on ArchivesSpace

Wisner, Melissa melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Wed Jul 22 16:20:27 EDT 2015

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to send a message letting you know that there is a new working group leading the AS Performance Issues Project. Ray Frohlich, Maureen Callahan and I met today to outline a set of next steps. We will have more detailed information about next steps soon, but first we have some rebooting to do such as updating documents, confirming and gathering data, reviewing assumptions, etc.

There was a productive meeting yesterday with Library IT management, Special Collections management, and the ArchivesSpace Implementation committee. This newly empowered group is the first outcome of that discussion. The three of us will meet every morning to discuss the AS priorities of the day. Each day I will send an update to you about the progress and outcomes of our collective effort.

Please continue to report AS performance issues to libraryit.entsys at yale.edu<mailto:libraryit.entsys at yale.edu>

Thank you for your continued patience throughout this experience,

Melissa Wisner
Library IT
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