[Yale ArchivesSpace] archival management tools -- recent interesting work

Callahan, Maureen maureen.callahan at yale.edu
Wed Sep 2 14:14:07 EDT 2015

Hi folks,

Some of you may have seen some of the sessions at SAA about other repositories leveraging their tools to provide better service to staff and users. I was impressed by a lot of what I had seen, and thought that a round-up might be in order.

1. Melissa Wisner and Mark Custer gave a very well-recieved presentation at the ArchivesSpace members’ meeting about Yale’s migration. More about that is here: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ADC/ArchivesSpace+Member+Meeting+2015
2. At the University of Michigan, there’s been some outstanding work to integrate digital curation tools with archival management and archival description. Their blog is a must-read: http://archival-integration.blogspot.com
3. Rockafeller Archives Center wants a better way to publish finding aids that doesn’t rely on so much manual intervention (does this sound familiar to us?): http://blog.rockarch.org/?p=1402
4. There was a session called “Don't Break It on Tuesdays and Other Tales: ArchivesSpace in Practice”. Some folks have uploaded their presentation notes, here: https://archives2015.sched.org/event/ee31ad6813f6332f8f9dcd4ecac8028c#.Vec7a7Qsc0s
5. I gave a talk with Dallas Pillen (Michigan) and Regine Heberlein (Princeton) about getting started with metadata power tools. Our slides are here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Pqs5_J6C9y6-Nw-QJ0rCrnkugUEianYdqCNNHhXYpJc/edit?usp=sharing

Please feel free to use this listserv to share interesting work with tools that you’ve done or that you’ve seen others do!

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