[Yale ArchivesSpace] ArchivesSpace Ready to Go!
Wisner, Melissa
melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Mon Feb 1 09:31:55 EST 2016
Good Morning,
We wanted to point out that when using the password tool for ASpace you should not use any of these characters in your password:
# % & + ;
Everything else, including other special characters are OK.
Thank you,
YAMS Committee
From: Wisner, Melissa
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 4:17 PM
To: 'yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu'
Subject: ArchivesSpace Ready to Go!
Hello Everyone,
These instructions will assist users in connecting to the new hosted instance of ArchivesSpace Monday February 1. Please review carefully and share with your staff if they are not yet subscribed to this distribution list. This information has also been added to the YAMS Committee Libguide<http://guides.library.yale.edu/c.php?g=296249&p=3065926>.
Production ArchivesSpace for Yale University Library is moving to a hosted environment outside of Yale. As a result, the url to connect to the site has changed. While it still contains "library.yale.edu" this is a domain name pointing to the externally hosted instance. We included the "library.yale.edu" for the sake of branding.
Production ASpace: https://archivesspace.library.yale.edu remember to type in the https
Please be comfortable starting your real work here. Things you have been setting aside while ASpace has been down. This is our new production instance.
Before you can use this new instance, you must first create a password you select for yourself. A result of moving to an externally hosted instance is that we can no longer log in to ArchivesSpace with the familiar netid and netid password/CAS credentials.
To facilitate this transition, Library IT has created a tool: https://libsvcs-1-dev.its.yale.edu/ASpaceTools/default.aspx
1. Follow this link to start the password creation process for ArchivesSpace.
2. At the top of the page, under ASPACE TOOLS AND UTILITIES there is a link labeled Self-Service Staff Password Change
3. Click this link and you will be routed to a CAS login page.
4. Log in with your netid and netid password/CAS credentials, just as you would if using secure Yale tools, such as your time card, or University payroll.
5. You are now presented with a CHANGE STAFF PASSWORD screen.
6. Please create a password you would like to use with ArchivesSpace. Something that makes sense to you, and that others can't readily guess like (e.g. Not 12345). Note: Your ASpace Username will remain your netid.
7. After you enter your new ArchivesSpace password twice, press the Change Password button to submit the change.
8. A program will run for a second in the background to update your password in ArchivesSpace.
9. If the password matched both times you typed it in-great. If you mistyped anything, an error code will alert you to try again.
10. Once you receive the message on screen that your password has been successfully changed, you should Logout of CAS, using the link in the upper right corner.
11. Now you can go to the new hosted ArchivesSpace url: https://archivesspace.library.yale.edu and log in with your netid and newly created ASpace password.
There is a PowerPoint attached to this email which illustrates the 11 step narrative using screenshots.
We can also run a report on password change progress. This may be helpful by unit, or for supervisors, to confirm your staff are all set.
There is a TEST instance being hosted by Lyrasis too. It is available now, but it isn't fully customized to Yale Library.
It can be accessed here: https://yaletest.lyrasistechnology.org/
Since this is a separate instance of ASpace, for now, you would need a different login account to access it. Again, that is only a temporary fact. If you would like to do anything in the TEST instance over the next 2 weeks, please contact Melissa Wisner (432-5565) in Library IT and she will facilitate access for you. It will just take a moment, so please don't hesitate to ask.
Seeing is believing, so if you do want to check things in TEST before really digging in to using production, call Melissa. The TEST and PROD server configurations are the same (large capacity servers).
Thank you,
YAMS Committee
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