[Yale ArchivesSpace] Important Maintenance in Production ASpace this weekend

Wisner, Melissa melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Fri Jan 15 16:18:25 EST 2016

Hello Everyone,

An important maintenance job is being run in Production ASpace this weekend. This is an intensive resequence process to address some "frozen" records in the database.

Please note the following:

*         ASpace production will not be available to staff during this process/staff web interface will be down

*         Library IT is currently making a backup of production to use in case of any fallback necessary

*         We only need to perform this once. Future releases will obviate the need for this approach to maintenance.

*         We expect the process to take at least 24 hours to address each repository in ASpace. (It took 26 hours on moderate equipment when Lyrasis did this).

*         The last 2 repositories are the largest in size, BRBL and MSSA, and will account for most of the processing time.

*         We will monitor the process over the weekend.

*         If for any reason the process stops over the weekend and cannot complete, we will restart the application and revisit the approach next week.

*         If for any reason the process takes so long to complete and is still running Tuesday morning when staff return to work, we are going to keep it running until success. We have an incredibly large database and this process will take time.

*         Aeon request forms that rely on pulling metadata from ASpace will be temporarily redirected to point to a recently refreshed test instance of ASpace to minimize disruption to the service.

If there are any questions, please let me know. I know this comes very late in the day, but it has been an extremely eventful day getting things together in preparation for this resequence.

Thank you,

Yale Library IT
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