[Yale ArchivesSpace] YUL ArchivesSpace Production Instance Upgrade Scheduled for April 7-9

Gorham, Matthew matthew.gorham at yale.edu
Wed Mar 8 09:46:59 EST 2017

Greetings YUL ArchivesSpace users,

I'm really excited to let you know that YUL's production instance of ArchivesSpace is scheduled to be upgraded to the application's latest version, 1.5.3, beginning on Friday, April 7 at the close of business and running through the weekend. This upgrade is exciting for us for a couple of reasons. First, this will be the first major upgrade of ArchivesSpace that we have in over a year, so you can expect many bug fixes, and some new functionality, and hopefully some improvements to overall performance (you can read more about the highlights of this release here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_archivesspace_archivesspace_releases_tag_v1.5.3&d=DwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=MSJEqZfqk2utPlUX24q44knJ_Lt2BOkReNJXb6jri4M&m=86va-uCx2gXkNN7tgH41x6uH17QYmdT0NGBy0KxdN7k&s=nr2quvn1lLR0Od6l8hFg51axU9Osb0lWWnRVB8az3rk&e= ). Secondly, the container management functionality that was developed as a plug-in for Yale by Hudson-Molonglo in 2015 will now be part of the application's core code in this version of ArchivesSpace.

The schedule for the upgrade is as follows. Please note the dates and times when PROD will not be available for staff use and plan your work accordingly:

*         April 7, 5 p.m. - All work in ArchivesSpace PROD must cease.

*         April 8-9 - Upgrade in progress. ArchivesSpace PROD will not be available for staff use.

*         April 10, 8:30 a.m. - YAMS members will perform quality control of the upgrade for approximately 2-3 hours. During this time, staff members may not log in to ArchivesSpace PROD. An all clear-message will be sent out to the Yale ArchivesSpace user listserv when it is safe for staff to resume working in ArchivesSpace.

During the upgrade weekend, the Aeon-ArchivesSpace add-on will be redirected to the TEST instance of ArchivesSpace for request data. This will allow for Aeon requests, particularly those from MSSA, to come through with more complete metadata during the downtime on PROD. And lastly, there will be a suspension of the ArchivesSpace-LSF location update program on Friday evening and Saturday evening. Those who use this program (I think this mostly applies to MSSA) may want to check on planned transfer dates for April, and schedule any manual reruns of this job if necessary.

If you have questions or concerns about any of this, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or any other YAMS member.

All the best,

Matthew (on behalf of the Yale Archival Management Systems Committee)

Matthew Gorham
Assistant Head of the Manuscript Unit for Processing
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University
P.O. Box 208330
New Haven, CT 06520-8330
matthew.gorham at yale.edu<mailto:matthew.gorham at yale.edu>

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