[Yale ArchivesSpace] Changes in ArchivesSpace

Rush, Michael michael.rush at yale.edu
Mon May 8 08:57:41 EDT 2017

Good morning ASpace users,

As you log into the production ArchivesSpace, you may notice that Accession records and Resource records look slightly different.

Over the weekend we rolled out two new plugins:

*         user_defined_in_basic is a plugin that moves specified user defined fields so that they display in the Basic Information section of a record. We have moved the following fields from the User Defined subrecord to Basic information:

o   Accession records

?  Restriction Review Date (accessions only)

?  Call Number (accessions only)

?  Authorization Received (accessions only)

?  Record Reviewed (accessions only)

?  Accession Completed Date (accessions only)

?  Voyager Bib ID

o   Resource records

?  Voyager Bib ID

*         yale_suppress is a locally-developed plugin that removes certain fields from display. We have removed fields that the Yale Archival Management Systems Committee agreed should not be used at Yale. By removing them from the interface, it will make the interface slightly cleaner and prevent users from accidentally using those fields. The following fields were suppressed:

o   Accession records

?  Resource type

?  Restrictions apply?

o   Date subrecords

?  Certainty

?  Era

?  Calendar

o   Linked Agents

?  Title [For Linked Agents with Role = Creator - Only suppressed in edit mode]

o   User Defined

?  boolean_3 [Suppressed in edit mode only - will still appear in view mode]

?  integer_1

?  integer_2

?  integer_3

?  real_2

?  real_3

?  date_3

?  enum_3

?  eum_4

o   Resources

?  Restrictions?

o   Archival Objects

?  Restrictions apply?

I will be writing up a blog post to summarize these changes, along with some changes to how search works in the staff interface, and will send a link to that when it is available.



Michael Rush

Assistant Head of the Manuscript Unit

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Yale University


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