[Yale ArchivesSpace] changes to some icons in Archives at Yale

Wisner, Melissa melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Tue Dec 11 10:43:28 EST 2018


The Archives at Yale project release team has been reviewing the icons used throughout the Archives at Yale interface. Some of them will be changed to better represent the prompt/action they intend to represent to the user. Eve Neiger has prepared a wonderfully helpful chart showing the current (before) and changed icons. We wanted to share this visual list, so any staff involved with preparing end-user documentation, online help or guides, or teaching materials for the interface will have time to update anything as needed.

Some work is still being completed to get the suggested changes to icons into the TEST instance of Archives at Yale (https://puitestarchivesspace.library.yale.edu). This will also provide an opportunity for people to "see them in the wild" if you will. We're hopeful this will be in TEST early next week.

A reminder that we are cutting away from YFAD on Monday January 7th. These icon changes will be part of the production interface. We are also sharing these with the rest of the library, so everyone has advanced notice.

For questions about the icons, please contact Eve Neiger.

Thank you on behalf of the Archives at Yale Project Release Team and YAMS,
Melissa Wisner
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