[Yale ArchivesSpace] : Agent and Subject task force update on record merging

Spicher, Karen karen.spicher at yale.edu
Tue Sep 4 13:32:22 EDT 2018

ArchivesSpace users,

Since loading new authority records last month, the Agents and Subjects Task Force has been engaged in identifying and merging duplicate records.  You may see daily changes in agent and subject records as we complete this process.

Meanwhile, a reminder about the workflow for linking agents and subject to finding aids:

  1.  In ArchivesSpace, search for an an existing agent or subject record from a preferred authority.

     *   For agents, prefer records from LCNAF, identifiable by an id.loc.gov URI in the Authority ID field
     *   For subjects, prefer records from LCSH, identifiable by an id.loc.gov URI in the Authority ID field
     *   For genres, prefer records from AAT, identifiable by a Getty URI in the Authority ID field. In the absence of an AAT genre record, prefer an LCGFT, RBMS, or GMGPC genre record.
  1.  If no existing agent or subject record from a preferred authority is found in ArchivesSpace, choose a "local" record in ArchiveSpace, if available.
  2.  If no local record is found, create a new record in conformance with YUL's ArchivesSpace Agent and Subject Records Best Practices.<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Fopen%3Fid%3D101OmjGUPXOEMb7Pg9Pi9alHse6Lb1kn1-AnTn4b1YOE&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C0ab5d395172c45a7793608d5ee6444af%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636677036769914126&sdata=WQODCMeJm2z8gzU3vYvY0ZhXbsRzvANvRJ%2FuO0RsA8s%3D&reserved=0>

For the rest of September, please also observe the following:

  *   Do not merge any agent or subject records.  Merging is now underway by the Task Force members.
  *   Do not edit existing URIs or temporary codes beginning "dts...", in Authority ID fields.  Temporary codes identifying local records will be used by the Task Force during merging and will later be deleted.
  *   When the work of the Task Force is complete, we will write again!.

Questions or feedback are welcome. Please contact any member of the Task Force listed below.

YUL ASpace Agents and Subjects Task Force

Mark Custer

Alicia Detelich

Francis Lapka

Sandra Markham

Karen Spicher, chair

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