[Yale ArchivesSpace] UPDATE: Improved finding aid view available for testing

Detelich, Alicia alicia.detelich at yale.edu
Mon Sep 16 10:53:28 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

On behalf of YAMS, I am writing to follow up on my email from late August (copied below) announcing the availability of new Finding Aid View features in the TEST ArchivesSpace PUI. A re-index of the TEST database has recently completed, and the remaining Hudson Molongolo changes – most importantly, the improved display of series and accession numbers – are now available in TEST as well.

YAMS would again like to encourage all staff to test out these new features and submit your feedback via this Google Form<https://forms.gle/UKikfsJqUAQgTYDw9> by the end of the day on September 27th, 2019. We are requesting this two-week window because we may need to perform another re-index in TEST soon in order to test the rollout process for PROD updates, and we want to make sure we are not interfering with user testing when we do that.

Please be aware that the TEST database has not been refreshed in some time, and so does not exactly replicate the data in PROD. Thus, you may not be able to perform the testing on finding aids you have recently created, and some of the metadata may be different than what you expect. Please feel free to contact one of the YAMS co-chairs or your repository liaison<https://guides.library.yale.edu/archivesspace/generalassistance> if you have any questions.

Thanks very much, and we look forward to receiving your feedback!



Alicia Detelich
Co-chair, YAMS
Archivist, Manuscripts and Archives
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 18:28:30 +0000
From: "Detelich, Alicia" <alicia.detelich at yale.edu<mailto:alicia.detelich at yale.edu>>
To: "yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu>" <yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu>>
Subject: [Yale ArchivesSpace] Improved finding aid view available for
Message-ID: <ADE24037-BEAA-4118-A6EE-9453BF0ED689 at yale.edu<mailto:ADE24037-BEAA-4118-A6EE-9453BF0ED689 at yale.edu>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi all,

On behalf of YAMS, I am writing to let you know that a number of improvements that the developers at Hudson Molongolo have been working on to improve the ?Finding Aid View? tab in Archives at Yale are available in the ArchivesSpace TEST PUI<https://puitestarchivesspace.library.yale.edu/>. Changes include:
                -Added drop-down menu which allows users to navigate to a particular series
                -Added ability to place a request from the finding aid view
                -Removed navigation tree from left side of page
-Improved display of component unique identifiers (i.e. series, accession numbers) ? this actually will not be viewable in its entirety until the PUI is reindexed, but here<https://puitestarchivesspace.library.yale.edu/repositories/8/resources/10958/collection_organization> is an example.
                -Generally improved layout, fonts, jargon, accessibility, etc.

Please be aware that because the entire page now loads when you click on the Finding Aid View tab, larger finding aids may take a bit longer to appear. However, this change allows users to search the entire finding aid using CTRL-F, which is not possible in the current version.

We encourage staff to explore the new features and reply to this email with any feedback you may have. Thank you!



Alicia Detelich
Co-chair, YAMS
Archivist, Manuscripts and Archives
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