[Yale ArchivesSpace] Slowness in Production

Smith, Steelsen steelsen.smith at yale.edu
Tue Mar 3 16:52:26 EST 2020

Hi All,

Due to the database issue the prod and staff interfaces have temporarily gone offline. The vendor is still troubleshooting and I will send an update asap.


From: YulASpace <yulaspace-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Smith, Steelsen
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 4:40 PM
To: yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: [Yale ArchivesSpace] Slowness in Production
Importance: High

Dear ArchivesSpace Users,

A service slowdown in production has been traced to a bad database transaction.

The staff interface will be restarted in about 5 minutes to clear the deadlocked transaction.

If you are in the middle of working on an edit then please wait about 10 minutes before saving to avoid losing work. Work saved already to this point will not be lost.

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