[Yale ArchivesSpace] Request for feedback/user stories: FY21 development proposal

Detelich, Alicia alicia.detelich at yale.edu
Tue Oct 6 14:49:53 EDT 2020

Hi all,

YAMS is seeking your assistance as we compile user stories for our next round of ArchivesSpace development, which will be focused on digital object request (both new reprographics requests and fulfillment of requests for already digital/digitized material) and display (i.e. IIIF integration). A preliminary document describing the work we are hoping to accomplish can be found here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kz0P6JW0thfwGeJdrjHTymwg7A-JiSfBVBD-f9-NKOA/edit#heading=h.5o7nc5iaczyf>. We are requesting that any interested stakeholders add user stories, comments, and any other feedback to this document prior to Monday, October 12. Feel free to reach out to Christy or me if you have any questions about the proposed scope of work.

A few examples of user story documents we have created in the past can be found here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eDOk4jSlQr5CywopJHTjxlOWGgjocr5evfM5ooZguno/edit>, here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G_2NwsonhWVO9VjL3dmZVsSnz-XFjsAdxXFgS0V_JKs/edit>,  here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FVDv-JNvD1uf6P0hV3OsnxQrwqRec3Huz55kLj86-xE/edit>, and here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1glJZZq-aAzrtoR1ARFI_MQVMzPCPZDzEXMDbNZSPgmk/edit>. There are also many resources available on the internet for those unfamiliar with creating user stories for software development.

Thanks in advance for your participation.

On behalf of YAMS,

Alicia and Christy
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