[Yale ArchivesSpace] Wrap up any TEST work today; PROD infrastructure migration soon

Kirkpatrick, Trip trip.kirkpatrick at yale.edu
Mon Nov 18 10:58:33 EST 2024

Friends of Yale ArchivesSpace:

As part of attempts to modernize ArchivesSpace infrastructure and to address both ongoing performance issues with ArchivesSpace and ongoing bot traffic floods, we’re going to migrate the Prod instance’s infrastructure as soon as we can, just like we did with Test a few weeks back.

One consequence is that we are going to re-sync the Prod data into the Test database. If you are doing anything in Test, please wrap that up **today**.

Tomorrow the data will get re-synced to Test from Prod, which will mean some total downtime of Test and then some gradient of data availability as the staff and public interfaces reindex.

The other major consequence is some total unavailability of Prod no earlier than Friday the 22nd but otherwise as soon as the reindexing is complete. At that time, Lyrasis will migrate the Prod infrastructure, copy the indexes from Test to Prod, and execute an update reindex in Prod. Since the reindex should be smaller than a usual reindex, I have every expectation that it will complete faster than a usual reindex. There will still be some total unavailability of Prod on Friday, but it should be available again for staff and public use faster than usual. The earlier migration in Test revealed some data issues that were remediated at that time, underscoring why we have multiple environments despite that also slowing down some change processes.


Trip Kirkpatrick, MA (he/him/his)
Technical Lead for Special Collections, Library IT
Yale University Library

Personal librarian appointments: https://is.gd/tk_pl_calendar
Zotero / GitHub : triplingual
Teams Chat: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=trip.kirkpatrick@yale.edu

*Yale University acknowledges that indigenous peoples and nations, including Mohegan, Mashantucket Pequot, Eastern Pequot, Schaghticoke, Golden Hill Paugussett, Niantic, and the Quinnipiac and other Algonquian-speaking peoples, have stewarded through generations the lands and waterways of what is now the state of Connecticut.  We honor and respect the enduring relationship that exists between these peoples and nations and this land.*
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