[Yale ArchivesSpace] Slow ASpace indexing?

Davis, Rosemary rosemary.davis at yale.edu
Wed Nov 13 13:08:36 EST 2024

Hi friends,

Not to hop on train, but my team continues to experience some odd ASpace issues that are impeding our work. A couple of examples:

--We have recently published finding aids that aren't showing up in the PUI.

--We have multiple accession records created in the last three days that have been created but are currently unfindable through ASpace search (BRBL and MSSA repos). In at least one case, the accession is a purchase, so we need the completed accession record to export to Voyager so a PO can be attached and payment can be completed.

--We have ongoing issues with lag, missing top containers, and indexing as other individuals have reported in BRBL and beyond.


From: YulASpace <yulaspace-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> on behalf of Pruitt, Adrienne <adrienne.pruitt at yale.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 11:27 AM
To: yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu <yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu>
Subject: Re: [Yale ArchivesSpace] Slow ASpace indexing?

Hi, all,

We noticed this last week in Arts as well, when a newly published finding aid took 4 days to appear in the public user interface.

Adrienne Pruitt

Archivist, Arts Library Special Collections

Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library<https://web.library.yale.edu/arts> | Yale University Library<https://library.yale.edu/>


From: YulASpace <yulaspace-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Forstrom, Michael
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 11:19 AM
To: yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: [Yale ArchivesSpace] Slow ASpace indexing?


This may already have been reported, but I’ll add it to the list of things to investigate:

A colleague in the ADU and I are in the process of converting multiple Excel files into EAD and importing them into ASpace. There has been a lag of multiple days between when we create a new background job and import the data/file and when it shows up among the background jobs. On a related note, we’ve also not been able to “find” the new background jobs when searching for them (using the merge function) in order to merge them with our existing resource.

Michael Forstrom

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