[NHCOLL-L:2168] Petition: Keep the Herbarium at the University of Iowa!

Diana Horton diana-horton at uiowa.edu
Tue Dec 9 12:14:23 EST 2003

The University of Iowa Herbarium is one of the collections that presently 
is threatened with closure.  An update on the situation here will be posted 
subsequently, but the Friends of the University of Iowa Herbarium has an 
immediate request.

We solicit your support of our efforts to keep the Herbarium at the 
University of Iowa.  Even if you have already written a letter, please take 
a few moments to sign our new online petition and forward the URL to anyone 
you think might be willing to sign.  We are circulating this nationally and 
internationally in the taxonomic and collections communities in the hopes 
of generating a massive response that we could use to pressure university 
administrators who seem determined to proceed with a needless and senseless 
plan to divest the collection.


Our immediate plan is to publish a full-page advertisement in the 
university newspaper, including names, city, state/province and country of 
those who sign the petition before Thursday, December 11.  Our long-term 
plan is to run the petition until July 2004.

Thank you for your support!

Diana Horton
Director and Curator, University of Iowa Herbarium
Executive Committee, Friends of the University of Iowa Herbarium
312 CB
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA  52242-1297
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