[NHCOLL-L:2655] References for imaging required

James Macklin macklin at acnatsci.org
Mon May 16 11:21:13 EDT 2005

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing a manuscript and would like to be able to cite any papers that exist which discuss the following topics.

1. Virtual loans of collections objects through distribution of digital images to reduce the wear and tear and risk of loss of specimens sent on loan.

2.  Digital images can form a record of the conservation state of a collections object at a point in time, and allow assessment of changes over time.

Any help is greatly appreciated!



James Macklin Ph. D.
Collection Manager
The Academy of Natural Sciences
Center for Systematic Biology and Evolution
Botany Department
1900 Ben Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA  19103-1195
Phone: (215) 405-5088


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