[Nhcoll-l] Tie on tags

Andrew Stewart AndrewS at tepapa.govt.nz
Fri Mar 27 21:45:04 EDT 2015

Hi Cathy,

Some years ago we experimented with paper tags with a brass eyelet and found the metal corroded quite badly so gave that away. For the past 30+ years we have been using plastic dymo strips (9 mm wide); either black or green.  Do NOT use blue as the dye is alcohol soluble and becomes very difficult to read. The biggest issue we're facing now is that it's getting harder to buy the tape.

Attachment is either by plastic tags in a denison gun or using waxed linen thread and a needle. No disassociation issues except where the plastic tag hasn't been securely punched through the specimen, but we always give it a wee pull before finishing with the specimen.

Good luck


Collection Manager: Vertebrates.
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongerewa
04 381 7314
027 7339363

From: nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu [mailto:nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Cathy Groves
Sent: Saturday, 28 March 2015 12:37 p.m.
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Tie on tags

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for tie-on tags, which can be used to label bags of specimens that are submerged in alcohol in 30-gallon steel tanks.
For similar purposes, our ichthyology department uses 100% rag card stock tags, 1.5 x 2.75 inches, with a reinforced brass eyelet. Unfortunately, their supply is nearly exhausted and the source of the tags is unknown.
Can anyone suggest a supplier for tie-on tags that withstand long-term storage in 85% ethanol?

Thank you very much,

Cathy Groves
Collection Manager, Echinoderms
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Phone: 213-763-3527
Email: cgroves at nhm.org<mailto:cgroves at nhm.org>

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