[Nhcoll-l] Question about jar grease in fluid collections

Esther Dondorp esther.dondorp at naturalis.nl
Thu Feb 27 09:32:00 EST 2020

Dear all,

Just a short question - we always use vaseline to seal gound jar stoppers,
now that we cannot use our old supplier anymore the support department
ordered the commercial vaseline petroleum jelly like this
one. I was wondering if we can use it or that it has additional additives
that can effect the balance inside the jar. Is there an acid free or other
alternative? Wondering what other people use!

Many thanks,

Esther Dondorp
Senior Collectiebeheerder

+31717519313 - -
esther.dondorp at naturalis.nl - www.naturalis.nl
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden
Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden

<https://www.naturalis.nl/over-ons> <https://www.naturalis.nl/lang-leve>
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