[Nhcoll-l] Wanted: producer of square "museum" glas for exhibitions

Mikkel Høegh Post mhpost at snm.ku.dk
Fri Oct 28 08:27:03 EDT 2022

Here at the Natural History Museum of Denmark we are preparing new exhibitions opening 2025. We need additional square museum glass for wet specimen display -we have a bunch (an example below), but need more sizes. I wonder if any (preferable European) company produce such?
Best regards,

Mikkel Høegh Post
Samlingsmedarbejder, konservator cand.scient.

Statens Naturhistoriske Museum
Zoologisk Museum
Universitetsparken 15
2100 Kbh.Ø

MOB 60 74 10 25
mhpost at snm.ku.dk<mailto:mhpost at snm.ku.dk>


Sådan beskytter vi persondata<https://informationssikkerhed.ku.dk/persondatabeskyttelse/privatlivspolitik/>

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