[Carillon-info] Carillon concert by Ellen Dickinson

Nick Huang nick.huang at yale.edu
Thu Jul 1 23:45:06 EDT 2010

Dear friends and carillon enthusiasts,

Tomorrow (Friday, July 1)  is the third concert of our summer concert  
series! Tomorrow's concert is by Ellen Dickinson, who is currently the  
carillonneur at Trinity College in Hartford. Ellen herself was a summer  
carillonneur while she was a student at Yale. After passing her  
examination recital to become a member of the Guild of Carillonneurs of  
North America (GCNA) in 2000, she went on to serve as Vice President of  
the GCNA. The concert program features music by American carillonneurs and  
composers, and ends with a fun sing-along -- in anticipation of the Fourth  
of July. For more details, please visit  

To summarize:
==Concert by Ellen Dickinson==
Venue: Branford College (on High Street and Elm Street), Yale University,  
New Haven. (Concert-goers are advised not to bring dogs.)
Date: July 1, 2010 (Friday); 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Listening space is available  
in the Branford College courtyard, from 6:30 p.m.
Seating: Not provided, but audience members are encouraged to bring  
blankets and lawn chairs to the listening area.
Program: Available at  

Hope to see you tomorrow!

Best regards,
Nick Huang and Julie Zhu

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