Monarchs and such

Roy Zartarian rzartarian at
Wed Oct 3 17:35:23 EDT 2001

So that's where "my" Newington monarchs ended up :-)  After more 
than a week of at least a dozen on my buddleia, the last two days 
have seen only one or two monarchs at any one time along with a 
couple of red admirals - one fairly fresh, the other a bit ragged.

Yesterday was truly a change of season day with the year's first 
yard sighting of white throated sparrows in the morning and two 
monarchs nectaring at midday.

I, too, was trying a different macro setup a week ago, planning to 
finish some film on the monarchs.  However, the plan changed 
when I discovered a ruby throated hummingbird - a yard first - 
perched inside the butterfly bush.  Fortunately, even though an 
extension tube had been added to the lens, the distance to the 
subject was such that I was able to get at least one useable image.


On 3 Oct 2001, at 16:32, Hank and Gerie Golet wrote:  

> >From Hank Golet, 10/3/01, Old Lyme After sending out a reply to
> Bill Yule's letter about the many admirals and slowing down of
> monarchs here in my yard in Old Lyme,  I now find 17 monarchs
> nectaring on the budliea.  I wanted to play with a new lens on my
> 35mm camera so went out to burn some film and was surprised ( and
> pleased) to find a PIPEVINE SWALLOWTAIL also on the bush.One of
> those times when you wish you had a camera and did have one.  The
> pipevine was not worn and looked in good condition.  I managed to
> shoot off a half dozen frames before it disappeared. Nice!! 

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