[EAS]Micro$oft Browser Update

pjk pjk at design.eng.yale.edu
Fri Aug 24 13:50:06 EDT 2001

Subject:   Micro$oft Browser Update

(from NewsScan Daily, 24 August 2001)

Microsoft's critics are attacking it for making the latest version
of its  Internet Explorer software unable to support Netscape-style
plug-ins that  extend the browser's capabilities and enable it to
use third-party products such as Apple's QuickTime program.
Microsoft says its design decision was  necessitated by "security
and technical reasons," but one skeptic calls it "a forced death
march" restricting users to Microsoft-only software. "You just
have to love these guys," says Jeff Adams of Intensifi.com. "Looks 
like they are putting up as many roadblocks as they can for
competitive  technology on the Windows platform." (San Jose Mercury
News 24 Aug 2001)

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