Japanese films being "Hollywoodize"

Alan Kita alkita at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 7 18:23:06 EDT 1998

There seems to quite a number of projects being developed in the U.S.
that are based on Japanese films...of course, the biggest of which is
"Godzilla" which opens the 1998 Memorial Day weekend in the U.S.

"Wings of Death" has become "City of Angels"
"Love Letters" is becoming something, something.  Although, unless
someone confirms this, I'm not sure the American film (with Meg Ryan,
supposedly), is actually based on "Love Letters" or that the film is
actually the film version of the U.S. stage place, "Love Letters."  Can
anyone confirm this?
"Shall We Dance", too, is the subject of a hollywood treatment,
supposedly also starring Meg Ryan, too.

Any other films?

Alan Kita
California USA

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