best 80's and 90's Japanese movies ? Please post more

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Sat Apr 4 04:19:17 EST 1998

I originally posted this in October, but some may not have caught it 
then.  This is the list of 30 films made between 1989 and 1997 which I 
wrote up for the Japanese literary journal _Yuriika_. Again, it's not 
technically a list of "best" films but rather important ones 
(_Swallowtail_ I greatly dislike, but find all too representative of 
certain trends in popular culture).

- Untamagiru (Takamine Tsuyoshi, 1989)
- Swimming with Tears (Tashiro Hirotaka, 1992)
- All Under the Moon (Sai Yoichi, 1993)
- Swallowtail (Iwai Shunji, 1996)
- Junk Food (Yamamoto Musashi, 1997) (actually to be released this month 
on the 18th)
- Roppongi no haikyo (Sekine Hiroyuki, 1992)
- Sonatine (Kitano Takeshi, 1993)
- Ame no wadachi (Ito Nobuyuki, 1993)
- Elephant Song (Riju Go, 1994)
- Bo no kanashimi (Kumashiro Tatsumi, 1994)
- Another Lonely Hitman (Mochizuki Rokusuke, 1995)
- Tetsuo (Tsukamoto Shinya, 1989)
- Showa guntoden 2  Tsuki no sabaku (Zeze Takahisa, 1990)
- Patlabor 2 (Oshii Mamoru, 1993)
- August in the Water (Ishii Sogo, 1995)
- Helpless (Aoyama Shinji, 1996)
- CURE (Kurosawa Kiyoshi, 1997)
- Swimming Prohibited (Oki Hiroyuki, 1989)
- Embracing (Kawase Naomi, 1989)
- Moving (Somai Shinji, 1993)
- Like Grains of Sand (Higuchi Ryosuke, 1995)
- Gonin (Ishii Takashi, 1995)
- Dotsuitarunen (Sakamoto Junji, 1989)
- Bataashi kingyo (Matsuoka Joji, 1990)
- Nowhere Man (Takenaka Naoto, 1991)
- Sumo Do, Sumo Don't (Suo Masayuki, 1992)
- Tokiwa, the Manga Apartment (Ichikawa Jun, 1996)
- Dangan Runner (Sabu, 1996)
- My Secret Cache (Yaguchi Shinobu, 1997)
- The Princess Mononoke (Miyazaki Hayao, 1997)

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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