finding videos E+J

Aaron Gerow gerow
Wed Aug 11 21:49:34 EDT 1999

>I'm wondering about sources for videos in Japan. Pia is a possibility, but
>ultimately selective. There must be a publication or website that Japanese
>stores rely on for distributors.

For a while, Kadokawa Shoten used to put out a catalog of what's 
available on video (I have the 1992 edition on my shelf at home), but 
they put out their last edition a while ago.  Instead, these seem to be 
the main publications available:

???????????. -- (BA3495219X)
  ?? : ?????, 1997.12-
  ? ; 26cm. -- (CD????????) -- 98??;99??
  ????: 4900340111(98??) ; 4900340227(99??)
  ??: NDC8 : 547.88 ; NDC9 : 547.88
  ??: ?? -- ????
(This is the one my university Coop has available.  The problem is that 
they do not include all the video companies: for instance, they do not 
include the Toho Kinema Kurabu videos because those are only available by 

????????????. -- (BA41634853)
  ?? : ?????, 1999.1
  1282p ; 26cm. -- (Hinode fine mook ; 20) -- '99
  ??: ?????????????? ; ?????
  ????: 4891986018('99)
  ??: NDC8 : 547.88 ; NDC9 : 547.88
  ??: ?? -- ????

As for internet sites, although there are a couple sites on the net which 
sell Japanese videos (some operated by the video companies themselves), 
none that I know of offer a searchable database of all videos currently 
available on the market.  (If anyone knows otherwise, please tell us!)

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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