Fwd: Visible Evidence Conference

Aaron Gerow gerow
Wed Aug 11 21:58:38 EDT 1999

---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
The program for this year's Visible Evidence is now on the net and 
includes a couple Japan-related papers (though none, sadly, on Japanese 
documentary itself as far as I could tell).


   From:   "James Friedman" <jimf at ucla.edu> Manager, Archive Research
and Study Center, UCLA Film and Television Archive

The complete program for this year's Visible Evidence Conference is now
available at www.cinema.ucla.edu/visible

In addition to the daily panels, this year's conference will include
free public events including the documentary videotheque which features
documentaries from around the world, as well as from local Los Angeles
filmmakers.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions
the conference, and I hope that those of you who are in Los Angeles will

have an opportunity to join us at UCLA between August 18-22.

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