graham lincoln graham at
Sun Feb 14 10:44:24 EST 1999

i'm not an expert but i wonder if your problems with the Chinese vcd's might
be due to their being pal format rather than ntsc - the fact that they work
on a Hong Kong machine tends to support this - I have a creative audiolab
machine in my pc  and have had no problems with any vcd's so far - this may
be due to my being in the u.k. and consequently on pal format myself)

I have ordered from amae enterprises myself and they are a good company -
reasonable prices,promt delivery and they can confirm details like subtitles
etc for you before you order(unfortunately the rare Kurasawa movies dont
seem to come with subs,so don't get your hopes up too much!)

>Just a word of warning out there before people go out and buy up mass
>quantities ot VCDs in the belief that you can play them on any DVD player.
>The below message may be true for DVD decks (the kind you hook up to a
>TV), but as I found out with a DVD system that plays in your computer
>not all VCDs are created equal.  I purchased several in mainland China and
>could not get them to play on any DVD machine.  I had to resort to using a
>friend's VCD player (purchased inexpensively in Hong Kong).  Are there
>different VCD systems coding among Japan, China and other countries?
>Barak Kushner
>Grad Student, History Dept.
>Princeton University
>On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, David Desser wrote:
>> Thanks to Lori for the valuable information about VCD sales on-line.
>> I was in Hong Kong recently, I bought an English-subtitled copy of
>> OF DREAMS which looks fine.
>> For anyone who has or is thinking of purchasing a DVD player:  DVD
>> will play VCDs.  The superiority of DVD over tape, of course, makes
>> purchase of this machine very desirable.  The fact that it plays VCDs was
>> happy discovery!
>> David Desser
>>  )At 7:53 AM 2/12/99, Lori Hitchcock wrote:
>> >There is *one* way to get ahold of a subtitled version of "Shall We
>> >that is the full running time (that I know of), but it involves getting
>> >VCD (video cd) player.  Online stores that sell Hong Kong VCD's (not the
>> >pirated ones, but from distributors) also sell some Japanese movies with
>> >English subtitles.  Since they bypass the Miramax (in this case)
>> >distribution stronghold, they are usually the same running time as the
>> >Japanese versions, and most (although not all) have English subtitles.
>> >
>> >This, by the way, is also a nice way to get ahold of Japanese movies
>> >English subtitles that haven't been generally distributed in the West
>> >(specifically the US): titles I've been able to get include "Suzaku,"
>> >about everything by Iwai Shunji, "Nagisa no Sinbad," "Shiko o funjyatta"
>> >(Sumo Do, Sumo Don't - Suo Masayuki).  The main problems with VCDs is:
>> >they tend to pixelate; HK versions often work off a poor quality master
>> >print, so they can be very dark (this is the case with "Swallowtail
>> >Butterfly").  But if you're trying to show some examples of recent
>> >Japanese film to students who don't know Japanese, they can be a great
>> >resource.
>> >
>> >Some good sites to visit include: SASA <>
>> >                                  HKPOP <>
>> >                                  Amae Enterprises <>
>> >
>> >I've ordered from the first two with no problems (Sasa also sells VCD
>> >players for about $288) - they have secure servers; Amae lists a lot of
>> >movies (although it helps to know the Chinese title of the Japanese
>> >movie), but I haven't yet ordered from them.  HKPOP requires membership
>> >(free).  Sasa's most recent Japanese titles are "Fuyajyo" and "Shigatsu
>> >Monogatari."
>> >
>> >
>> >Lori Hitchcock

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