FW: To Arron

Alan Kita alkita
Mon Jan 4 13:42:55 EST 1999

Miyabear at aol.com wrote:
> I can't state categorically why Fine Line changed the title of Shunji Iwai's
> "Love Letter" to "When I Close My Eyes," but I can guess at least three
> reasons:
> (1)  There's been a very popular play performed in New York, Los Angeles and
> other cities entitled "Love Letters," and perhaps they wanted to avoid any
> confusion.
> (2)  There was a recent television movie either called "Love Letter" or "The
> Love Letter."
> (3)  "Love Letter" sounds somewhat generic, perhaps overly familiar, and even
> a little dull to American ears.  Perhaps Fine Line wanted something a little
> more distinct.  Frankly, I'm just pleased that the film is receiving
> distribution at all, considering how few new Japanese movies are now seen in
> the United States.
> Michael Singer
Add one more...
4) copyright and distribution infringement, an earlier Japanese film by
someone whom I can't remember...(was it Yamashiro?) had the same title. 
Actually I think there are now three Japanese films with the samelitlte.

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