Suzuki Shigeyoshi-more

Joanne Bernardi jobi at
Fri Jul 16 05:04:57 EDT 1999

I forgot to mention the original title of WHAT MADE HER DO IT?, which will
be shown in Pordenone in October. It's NANI GA KANOJO O SO SASETA KA. 
Long believed lost, this only known surviving print of the Osaka-Teikine
production  was bought from Gosfilmofond in 1993 by the
original producer's grandson, who paid for the reconstruction with the
help of other surviving relatives of people associated with the film
(the director's daughter and the son of the author of the original story
on which the film is based). This reconstructed version of the film is
incomplete--the beginning and ending have been  replaced by titlecards
summarizing the missing footage and new titlecards were created throughout
by Yoneo Ota. The film debuted at the 1997 Tokyo International Film
festival in Kyoto, with live orchestral accompaniment provided by the
Romanian Symphony Orchestra (soundtrack available on CD in Japan).

Although incomplete, the film is mind-boggling as a surviving example of
the tendency film. A good idea of it can be had from issue 97
(Spring 1997) of TAIYO, which includes lots of frame reproductions and
some background on the film.

Joanne Bernardi
U of Rochester

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