Fwd: Issue 8 Screening the past
Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow
Fri Nov 12 20:35:34 EST 1999
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Date: 11.12 10:44 AM
Received: 11.13 10:22 AM
From: Screening the past, screen at latrobe.edu.au
Issue 8 of Screening the past has now been uploaded and is ready for
The first release section for this issue includes:
* "Fallen woman" prostitute narratives in the cinema, by Russell Campbell.
* McLaren and Grierson: intersections, by Terence Dobson.(Which was held
over from
issue 7, the special issue on Grierson)
* The "Big Fella" on the big screen: cinema, charisma, myth and history,
Chris Eipper.
* The good soldier: Neil Jordan's Michael Collins, by Ewan Morris.
* Serving the nation in the digital era, by Richard Paterson.
* The PADS project at the University of Glasgow, by Tony Pearson.
* France of Fielding (Lee Hill, 1928) - a community comedy: New Zealand's
populist answer to Hollywood, by Chris Watson.
* The primrose path: faking UK television documentary, "docuglitz" and
docusoap, by
Brian Winston.
This month's re-run is
The origins of Path$B;(BNatan, by Gilles Willems. Translated by Annabelle de
Cro$B%j(B .
and with visual documentation, captions translated by
William D. Routt and Annabelle de Cro$B%j(B.
There is a large list of reviews for the month:
* Review article, The undertaker: Gilberto Perez's The material ghost:
their medium by Adrian Martin
* Chris Berry reviews Jeffrey Ruoff and Kenneth Ruoff, The Emperor's naked
marches on by Yukiyukite Shingun
* Felicity Collins
re iews B. Ruby Rich. Chick flicks: theories and memories of the feminist
* Lisa Coulthard reviews Anke Gleber, The art of taking a walk: flanerie,
literature and film in Weimar culture.
* Bruce J. Evensen reviews John Taylor, Body horror:
photojournalism, catastrophe and war.
* Sue Harper reviews Brian McFarlane, An autobiography of British cinema.
Wendy Haslem reviews Robert K. Martin & Eric Savoy (eds.),
American gothic : new interventions in a national narrative
* Thierry Jutel reviews Robert Kolker, Film, form and culture CD-Rom and
*Arthur Lindley reviews Wheeler Winston Dixon,
Disaster and memory: celebrity culture and the crisis of Hollywood cinema
* Richard Maltby reviews Sam B Girgus, Hollywood renaissance: the cinema
democracy in the era of Ford, Capra, and Kazan
* Harriet Margolis reviews Virginia Wright Wexman, Jane Campion:
* Margaret Nixon reviews Sarah Harwood, Family fictions: representations
the family in 1980s Hollywood
* Geoffrey Nowell-Smith reviews James Donald, Anne Friedberg & Laura
(ed), Close up, 1927-1933: cinema and modernism
* Patrice Petro reviews Felicity Collins, The films of Gillian Armstrong
* Dave Sanjek reviews Stuart Klawans, Film follies: the cinema out of
* R.J. Thompson reviews Raffaele Caputo and Geoff Burton's, Second take:
Australian film-makers
* Timothy R White reviews Bernard F. Dick, City of dreams: the making and
unmaking of Universal pictures
* Sophy Williams reviews Barry Jordan and Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas,
Contemporary Spanish cinema. (Uploaded 12 November 1999)
As usual the trailers section includes forthcoming events, calls for
for conferences and
journals, notices and new titles.
Screening the past has issued calls for papers for articles on "Robert
Adrich and associates" and the early years of cinema in Asia. Both of
calls are available at:
Peter Hughes
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