Fwd: Southern California Japan Seminar

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Tue Apr 11 20:14:21 EDT 2000

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DFrom: "Janet R. Goodwin" <jan at pollux.csustan.edu>
Subject: H-JAPAN (E):  Southern California Japan Seminar

Speaker:  Donald Richie
Topic:  "Japanese Cinema in Retrospect"
Time:  Thursday April 13, 8 PM
Place:  Public Policy Building 1234

Donald Richie, a noted film critic and expert on Japanese
cinema, is the author of The Japanese Film, Japanese Movies,
The Films of Akira Kurosawa, and many other publications in
Japanese culture.

The Public Policy Building (formerly the Graduate School of
Management) is located adjacent to Bunche Hall and the Sculpture
Garden.  Enter UCLA at the ocrner of Hilgard and Wyton; parking
is available in Lot 3.

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