KineJapan and AFL Bulletin

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Sat Feb 5 01:45:53 EST 2000

Doug is the first person on the list to ask to unsubscribe: sorry you all 
got another 20k file in your mailbox.  Perhaps I should think about adding 
Kinejapan members to my own mailing list which would have the benefit of 
removing duplications for some of you.  Then if anybody wants to unsubscribe 
they can contact me directly without bothering the list.

Since I don't really put my opinions on the Bulletin, I don't think its 
contents will raise much discussion on the Kinejapan list anyway.  Again, I 
hope this isn't an abuse of the Kinejapan list of members which Aaron 
occasionally posts.

Stephen Cremin
The Asian Film Library

PS: Big clanging error in AFL2 is that NANG NAK is of course a Thai film, 
not from the Philippines...  Do point out any others...
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