Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Sun Jun 4 20:23:13 EDT 2000

Just on the subject of the Bulletin again, I wondered if anybody had any
thoughts on these two films which came out in Tokyo on Thursday.  I'm
interested in LOVE/JUICE because its directed by Shindo Kaze, who I think is
the granddaughter of Shindo Kaneto.  Cameraman is KANEYA Koji ... the first
time I'm aware of him working on film rather than TV: Iwai's work, etc.

Well, I'll probably drop both from this week's Bulletin as there isn't much
more than a sentence on either in Pia or Tokyo Walker and I like to watch
all the films I cover in the Bulletin wherever possible.  But if anybody has
any thoughts on either it's appreciated.

Stephen C.

PS: Sorry to misspell your name Ignacio!

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