Getting started

Elliot Berlin eberlin at
Thu May 11 15:40:15 EDT 2000

Dear all,

I'm almost embarassed amidst the knowledgable KineJapan discussions to ask this rudimentary question, but here goes:

I live in the Washington, DC area and I'm interested in greater exploration of the world of Japanese Cinema.  At the same time I am not interested in buying films outright, as I have other areas of collecting established and don't want to spread myself too thin.

I especially direct this question to list members in the DC metro area (if there are any...): what are the resources I might draw on to explore Japanese film without purchasing copies?  Are there mail order rental options?  Is there a local Japanese film interest group?  Are there local video stores that specialize in Japanese film that I might check into?

These days my interest in Japan is somewhat centered on a very traditional subject, about which I have a documentary film in development: The Tale of Genji.  But as a filmmaker I'd like to build on having seen a goodly number of traditional Japanese films back in the 70s, and now begin to look also into contemporary work.  I'm interested in narrative films, but also in documentaries.  I suspect documentaries will be pretty hard to come by.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Elliot Berlin

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