Black lizard, Avalon...

Christophe CRISON ccrison at
Sun Aug 26 08:44:33 EDT 2001

Yesterday I saw 3 interesting movies at the Etrange Festival :

Kinji Fusakasu's Black Lizard, which is a grotesque and at the same time 
beautiful story from edogawa rampo's novel
it is supposedly (can someone confirm this?) the last time this picture is 
seen in Europe since Mishima's family has forbidden all japanese author 
movies in which he appears to be shown

Shinu Ito's Scorpion also very interesting despite gruesome and useless 
violence ; the lead character - a female convict- almost never speaks a 
word, and her beauty is hypnotizing...

Mamoru Oshii's Avalon on which i barely know what to say, like the audience 
including a lot of fans left baffled by this concept movie. It reminded me a 
lot of Chris Marker's cult movie "la jetée" and also carot&jeunet imagery.

Good news for oshii's fan : he is working on a television series based on 
Ghost in the shell

Next week :  a lot of takeshi miike and to finish sogo ishii's Gojoe


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