
Max Dionisio dionisio
Fri Dec 14 11:18:04 EST 2001

Greetings to Everyone!
	I am a second year doctoral student in the Asian and Middle Eastern
Studies Department at the University of Pennsylvania. Although a long
time fan of Japanese film, only recently have I made it my primary
academic interest:focusing on animation both in Japan and the U.S.
Recently, I have been doing research on the various works of Miyazaki
Hayao, especially Mononokehime. Although I am still about a year and a
half away from finishing my coursework and taking my comprehensive
exams, I have been trying to picture my dissertation. Currently, it goes
something like this: Miyazaki Hayao has been frequently called the Walt
Disney of Japan. I suggest that the parallel is not correct as both
Miyazaki's and Disney's philosophy toward animation--film in general,
are entirely different.Using concepts such as Umberto Eco's
Hyperrealism, semiotics, and structural linguistics I will show how such
a comparison does not hold water. Animation studies, is my primary field
of interest, but I am also a big Itami Juzo and Beat Takeshi fan. I look
forward to our discussions!

Max Dionisio

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