Black Lizard ban

Jakob Abrahamsson parabellum at
Mon Mar 18 15:32:10 EST 2002

Hi folks,
In some efforts in checking the possibilities to put together a mini-Fukasaku-retrospective for Scandinavia I have on a couple of occasions come across people (including the Japanese company which hold the rights) who refer to the ban on Fukasaku's Black Lizard/Kurotokage. 
Supposedly it all comes from actions taken by Mishima's widow who supposedly do not like the gay theme of film (not having seen it myself I can't really tell how obvious that is).
But could someone fill in the picture? 
What happened? 
Was there a scandal in Japan? 
Did they go to trial?
Are there any subtitled prints left? 
Is available on vhs or dvd anywhere? 
With or without subtitles?
many thanks in advance
Jakob Abrahamsson

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