
Mark Nornes amnornes
Sun Oct 27 15:39:29 EST 2002

On Saturday, October 26, 2002, at 07:32  PM, anne mcknight wrote:

>     This unruly titling seemed a really great move for several reasons.
> One, is that it translated the idea of the lettering as a typographic
> environment, establishing the message as something that had 
> significance
> over and above the brute meaning of the brutal message.

Actually, this is very close to what I argue in an article on subbing 
in Film Quarterly, which also draws on anime for its inspiration. If 
you're interested, the reference is:

?Toward an Abusive Subtitling: Illuminating Cinema?s Apparatus of 
Translation,? Film Quarterly 52.3 (Spring 1999): 17-34. Reprinted in 
German as ?Ein Pladoyer fur den Mibbrauch von Untertiteln,? trans. 
Gabriele Pauer, in Minikomi 61 (March 2001): 9-18.

> Izuchi & his producer
> explained that they had actually timed the subtitles to correspond to 
> actual
> utterances, rather than having them printed & legible throughout the 
> entire
> shot.

Could you explain this again? I'm curious, but can't make sense of it!

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