Music on Lost in Trans...

Mitch Cullin fpunk
Sat Apr 10 19:56:12 EDT 2004

Actually, much of the music in the film are songs that
the filmmaker actually liked in the first place, some
of which were on a mix tape she carried with her as
she wrote the script.  Let's not forget that music,
regardless of where it originated, can have a
universal impact, especially when conjuring certains
moods or feelings.  The French band Air was also used
in "The Virgin Suicides," and Ms. Coppola's use of the
music had quite a bit to do with the fact that she
was/is a fan.  Also, I believe much of the story
centers around Bill Murray's character, his
perspectives, and what he brings with him to the Tokyo
hotel--so I'm not surprised at all by the music
choices, especially since they seem to reflect his
taste and, to some extent, background.  His choice to
sing "More Than This" seems to indicate this.  

In truth, I think it would be nice if contemporary
Japanese artists had been used in "Lost in
Translation", people and bands like Cornelius or
Fantastic Plastic Machine--but I'm not so sure that
the end result would have felt much different.  And,
of course, had Copploa used Japanese artists I'm sure
we'd have found plenty of reasons to assail her for
doing so--perhaps suggesting that it was a blantant
attempt to seem "authentic" while trying to market her
product to a younger Japanese audience.  On the other
hand, "More Than This" as a karoke sing-a-long is
hysterical, and, all these years later, it does seem
strange that a Jesus & Mary Chain song can resonate as
it does.  A major regret about the CD soundtrack,
however, is that it omits one song that was in the
film:  Peaches' "F**k The Pain Away".  Alas.


Most recent propaganda (updated when I remember):

"As the movie industry becomes more like the merchandising industry, the book business becomes more like the movie industry.  There's more pressure.  I think it's very difficult to be a young writer today.  I fear that young writers, after one or two books, will disappear the way young film directors do."  --Don DeLillo

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