a japanese film of sixties

harry alim harialim at dnet.net.id
Tue Aug 3 06:53:26 EDT 2004

dear all,

when i was small, in the early sixties, there was a japanese film that i regretfully missed.

i can't remember the title nor the name of the actor, but there are only two minors thing that i can remember to be a clue, i hope it is enough.

i saw this film from a trailer in the sixties or possibly i saw it but of the first part.

first thing :  there was an actor boy in this film in the role as wind's son who can run like wind. 

second thing : this film is about war torn japan and samurai, one memorable shot in the beginning is a japanese flag with country name (in kanji) or person name (army general or samurai) written on it soaked on blood soaked in small river with crystal water run on it

this film is so long either it is in two part or more than two hours, it is an epic story, a collosal film, in the early sixties it is so popular, that everyone should seen it.

in the early sixties, other japanese film popular among kids are zatoichi film played by shintaro katsu, for sure the film i mentioned is not one of zatoichi.

by the way now i live in jakarta indonesia, at those time i lived in central java, rural java.

i want to make peace with my past, as this film is the one i missed it so bad at that time, other american film i missed when i was small, fortunately with the coming of dvd enable me to make peace with myself now by seeing it after almost forty years.

i hope there will be one of you who can guide on how to get and to know about this film

one of american film of sixties i missed when i was small and i just recently watched, for example is the day of triffith.

thanks in advance for any help

harry alim
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