American Films in Tokyo

Giacomo Calorio cinnamon815
Thu Aug 12 03:12:38 EDT 2004

Abel Ferrara's "New Rose Hotel" too was set in Tokyo, as far as I remember. 
And Peter Greenaway's "8 women 1/2" too. On a totally different ground, some 
of Sokurov's elegies are set in rural Japan.


Alle 02:38, gioved? 12 agosto 2004, Jon ha scritto:
> Hello all,
> I've been wracking my brains trying to come up with titles for western
> narrative movies set in modern day Tokyo. Outside of the obvious Lost In
> Transition, Kill Bill Vol. 1, and Black Rain I can't think of anything
> else. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Jon

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