Sakuragraph small-format films

Frako Loden frako at
Mon May 31 14:51:21 EDT 2004

Thank you, Roland, for this chunk of information. Do you know of a 
Japanese- or English-language history of Japanese film that deals 
with Yokohama Shinema or Sakuragraph? I don't recall reading about 
them very much.

Another question relating to Sakuragraph: What's the title of a 
reputable small-format-film-specialty magazine or journal? Komatsu 
said this kind of publication might have articles on Sakuragraph.

Frako Loden

At 9:14 AM +0200 5/31/04, Roland Domenig wrote:
>konishiroku started selling its sakurascope 16mm-projectors in 1928. the
>sakuragraph series started shortly after. these were mostly educational
>films from the so-called atena-library of yokohama shinema. i don't know
>whether later on konishiroku made its own films for the series or whether
>they still relied on the films by yokohama shinema.
>the library of the national filmcenter in tokyo has a catalogue of
>sakuragraph-films issued in 1933.

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