Rokuga Net

Aaron Gerow gerowaaron at
Wed Oct 13 00:32:14 EDT 2004

On 2004.10.12, at 08:25  PM, <drainer at> wrote:

>  The NHK lineup in America (offered through Dish Network) currently
> costs $25 a month.

It's actually $30 a month, including a $5 access fee. This only to get 
NHK programming.

But one does wonder what Japanese TV is doing. Look at Dish Network or 
some of the other satellite services and one can find multiple channels 
for other languages. On Dish Network there are packages available with 
4 Korean channels, 17 Chinese channels, 15 Arabic, 5 South Asian, 3 
Farsi, and 3 Urdu. Why is there only one Japanese channel? One would 
think that with all the monied chuzaiin around the globe there would be 
more of a demand--or a market--for this. Does anyone know why the 
Japanese TV industry had done very little about this?

Aaron Gerow

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